Methods: A standardized protocol was developed to collect country-specific information about the characteristics of the cheapest FT at a common point of purchase. This study aimed to analyse the affordability of FT in as many as possible countries worldwide. Whereas it is essential for preventing dental caries, its current affordability around the globe remains unclear. 8, P.Background: Fluoride toothpaste (FT) has recently been included in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Model List of Essential Medicines.

It would be appropriate for academic and special libraries." E-Streams, Vol. Plueddemann, 1999 "(.)Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography is highly recommended for a wide range of readers, from the relative novice to the experienced researcher. The reader gets the benefit of extremely broad coverage and an excellent set of examples drawn from geographical observations." Oceanography, Vol.

Jay, 1999 "(.)In summary, this book is the most comprehensive and practical source of information on data analysis methods available to the physical oceanographer. 9, 1998 "(.)This is an excellent book that I recommend highly and will definitely use for my own research and teaching." EOS Transactions, D.A. In praise of the first edition: "(.)This is a very practical guide to the various statistical analysis methods used for obtaining information from geophysical data, with particular reference to oceanography(.) The book provides both a text for advanced students of the geophysical sciences and a useful reference volume for researchers." Aslib Book Guide Vol 63, No.
#Data analysis methods in physical oceanography pdf download series
Chapter 5 on time series analysis is a book in itself, spanning a wide diversity of topics from stochastic processes and stationarity, coherence functions, Fourier analysis, tidal harmonic analysis, spectral and cross-spectral analysis, wavelet and other related methods for processing nonstationary data series, digital filters, and fractals. Intended for both students and established scientists, the five major chapters of the book cover data acquisition and recording, data processing and presentation, statistical methods and error handling, analysis of spatial data fields, and time series analysis methods. This second and revised edition is even more comprehensive with numerous updates, and an additional appendix on 'Convolution and Fourier transforms'. Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography is a practical reference guide to established and modern data analysis techniques in earth and ocean sciences.